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Maailman Keskuspankit

Hae keskuspankkia

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Vanuatun keskuspankki (RBV)

The Reserve Bank of Vanuatu is the Central Bank of the Republic of Vanuatu. Vanuatu achieved its political independence from Great Britain and France on July 30, 1980...

0%  Vanuatu
Venezuelan keskuspankki (BCV)

The creation of the Banco Central de Venezuela took place against a backdrop of great political, social and economic changes in the world. Aside from the start of the...

18,24%  Venezuela
Venäjän federaation keskuspankki (CBR)

The Central Bank of The Russian Federation's functions are described in the Russian constitution (Article 75) and in the special Federal law. According to the...

16,00%  Venäjä
Vietnamin valtion pankki (SBV)

The State Bank of Vietnam is a ministry-level body under the administration of the government; the bank governor is a member of the cabinet (equivalent to a minister in...

6,50%  Vietnam
Viron pankki

Eesti Pank is the central bank of the Republic of Estonia that operates the Estonian monetary system, i.e., conducts the national monetary policy. The mission of Eesti...

0,00%  Viro
Yhdysvaltain keskuspankki (FED)

The Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of the United States. It was created in 1913 by the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, largely as a response...

5,50%  Yhdysvallat
Zimbabwen keskuspankki (RBZ)

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has its origins in the Bank of Rhodesia and Nyasaland which was created in March 1956 as a central bank for the Federation of Rhodesia and...

0%  Zimbabwe
Kansainvälinen valuuttarahasto

Kansainvälinen valuuttarahasto (IMF) on 188 jäsenmaata kattava järjestö, joka työskentelee tukeakseen rahapoliittista yhteistyötä, taatakseen rahoitusjärjestelmän...

Palestine Monetary Authority

The Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA) is the emerging Central Bank of Palestine. Its overall purpose is to ensure price stability and contribute to the stability and...

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