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3rd Annual Andean Institutional Real Estate Forum

Järjestäjä:  Markets Group
Aloita: 13.06.2016 03:00
Päättyy: 14.06.2016 03:00
Cl. 113 #7-65,
Hinta: Visit site
Puhelin: +1 347-308-7791
Sähköposti: Vanessa.Lima@marketsgroup.org

RE Andean

The Andean Institutional Real Estate Forum is the region's leading platform for international and local LPs and GPs looking for allocation and JV opportunities in Colombia, Chile, Peru, Argentina, and beyond.

Hosted in Bogota, Colombia, this event reunites renowned LPs from across the globe including pension funds, foundations, endowments, consultants, fund-of-funds and family offices, as well as real estate fund managers, investment managers, developers and bankers.
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