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Artisan Global Opportunities Fund Advisor Class (APDRX)

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  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut tilillesi käyttääksesi tätä toimintoa.
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Position lisääminen onnistui kohteeseen:

Nimeä holdings-salkkusi
34,93 -0,06    -0,17%
05/09 - Tieto myöhässä. Valuutta USD ( Vastuuvapaus )
Tyyppi:  Rahasto
Markkinat:  Yhdysvallat
Liikkeeseenlaskija:  Artisan
Perusta:  MSCI ACWI Net USD
Omaisuusluokka:  Osake
  • Morningstar-luokitus:
  • Pääoma yhteensä: 503,4M
Artisan Global Opportunities Advisor 34,93 -0,06 -0,17%

APDRX - yleiskatsaus

Tältä sivulta löytyy syväluotaava Artisan Global Opportunities Fund Advisor Class-profiili. Saat lisätietoja APDRX-avainjohtajista, -kokonaisvaroista, -sijoitusstrategiasta ja -yhteystietoista.

World Large-Stock Growth

Pääoma yhteensä







Osoite Artisan Partners Funds
United States
Puhelin -

Ylin johto

Nimi Otsikko Vuodesta Saakka
Jay C. Warner Co-Founder 2022 now
Elämäkerta "Jay Warner, CFA, is a managing director of Artisan Partners and a portfolio manager on the Growth team. In this role, he is a co-lead portfolio manager for the Artisan U.S. Small-Cap Growth Strategy and a portfolio manager for the Artisan U.S. Mid-Cap Growth, Global Opportunities and Global Discovery Strategies. Prior to joining Artisan Partners in May 2003, Jay attended the Graduate School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and graduated from the Applied Security Analysis Program. From 1997 through 2001, Jay was a senior accountant specializing in auditing, reviewing and compiling financial statements. Jay holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and a master’s degree in finance, investment and banking from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jay was a licensed Certified Public Accountant."
Craigh A. Cepukenas Managing Director, Portfolio Manager 2013 now
Elämäkerta Craigh Cepukenas, CFA, is a managing director of Artisan Partners and a portfolio manager on the Growth team. In this role, he is a co-lead portfolio manager for the Artisan U.S. Small-Cap Growth Strategy and a portfolio manager for the Artisan Global Opportunities, U.S. Mid-Cap Growth and Global Discovery Strategies. Prior to joining Artisan Partners in November 1995 as an analyst, Craigh was an equity research associate at Stein Roe & Farnham, where he began his career in 1989. Craigh holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a master's degree in business administration from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Jason L. White Managing Director, Portfolio Manager 2011 now
Elämäkerta Jason White, CFA, is a managing director of Artisan Partners and a portfolio manager on the Growth team. In this role, he is the lead portfolio manager for the Artisan Global Discovery Strategy and a portfolio manager for the Artisan Global Opportunities, U.S. Mid-Cap Growth and U.S. Small-Cap Growth Strategies. Prior to joining Artisan Partners in June 2000, Jason was a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, serving aboard the USS Lake Erie as the ship’s fire control officer. Jason holds a bachelor’s degree in history from the United States Naval Academy, where he graduated with distinction.
Matthew H. Kamm Managing Director 2010 now
Elämäkerta Matt Kamm, CFA, is a managing director of Artisan Partners and a portfolio manager on the Growth team. In this role, he is the lead portfolio manager for the Artisan U.S. Mid-Cap Growth Strategy and a portfolio manager for the Artisan Global Opportunities, U.S. Small-Cap Growth and Global Discovery Strategies. Prior to joining Artisan Partners in May 2003, Matt was an associate equity research analyst at Banc of America Securities. Earlier in his career, he was a senior operations analyst for NYU Medical Center. Matt holds a bachelor’s degree in public policy from Duke University and a master’s degree in business administration, with a specialty in finance and operations management, from New York University.
James D. Hamel Managing Director, Portfolio Manager 2008 now
Elämäkerta James Hamel, CFA, is a managing director of Artisan Partners and a portfolio manager on the Growth team. In this role, he is the lead portfolio manager for the Artisan Global Opportunities Strategy and a portfolio manager for the Artisan U.S. Mid-Cap Growth, U.S. Small-Cap Growth and Global Discovery Strategies. Prior to joining Artisan Partners in May 1997, Jim was a financial associate, cost analyst and operations manager of Kimberly-Clark Corporation from March 1990 through May 1997. He began his career at Carlson, Posten & Associates. Jim holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis where he was a three-time Academic All-American.
Andrew C. Stephens Managing Director, Portfolio Manager 2008 2014
Elämäkerta Andrew C. Stephens is a managing director of Artisan Partners and a founding member of the Artisan Partners Growth team. Prior to joining Artisan Partners in March 1997, Mr. Stephens was co-manager of the Strong Asset Allocation Fund at Strong Capital Management from February 1993 through March 1997. In addition, Mr. Stephens was a senior research analyst for the Strong Common Stock Fund and Strong Opportunity Fund. He began his career at Strong Capital Management in 1986. Mr. Stephens holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Shayne M. John Associate Portfolio Manager 2008 2009
Elämäkerta Shayne is the lead Portfolio Manager of DCM’s Midcap Growth and SMID Growth strategies and is also on the Investment Strategy Committee. Shayne holds a BBA from Coe College and a Master of Science in Finance from the University of London. He was awarded Continental Bank's Richter Scholarship for Outstanding Senior Honors Thesis in Economics by the Associated Colleges of the Midwest consortium, and was elected to Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE), the Honors Society for students of economics. In addition, he holds the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and the Certified Financial Manager (CFM) designations from the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA). Shayne joined DCM in 2011after a 15 year career spanning both the sell-side and buy-side. Prior to DCM, he was the co-Portfolio Manager of the Midcap Fund (ARTMX) and the Opportunistic Growth Fund (ARTGX) at Artisan Partners. Previous to Artisan Partners, Shayne was the Portfolio Manager for Midcap Growth at NCM Capital for a decade, where he led the product to consistent top-decile rankings in the institutional separate account space. He has also served as Director of Research and Investment Strategist at INNOVA Securities, an Asian emerging markets boutique. When not navigating the investing rapids of the growth stock universe, Shayne can be found braving the agonies of Atlanta traffic while he ferries his daughters to yet more after-school activities. He confesses to a passion for Ray Charles and Eric Clapton, the mobster films of Guy Ritchie and Scorsese, and collecting cricket memorabilia and books – and is yet adamant that all that pales in comparison to the excitment of finding the next midcap or smallcap winner for his portfolios.
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  • Rikastuta keskustelua
  • Keskity aiheeseen ja pysy asiassa. Postita ainoastaan sellaista aineistoa, joka on merkityksellistä keskusteltavan aiheen kannalta.
  • Kunnioita muita käyttäjiä. Myös kielteiset mielipiteet voidaan esittää myönteisellä ja diplomaattisella tavalla.
  • Käytä normaalia kirjoituskieltä. Käytä välimerkkejä sekä isoja ja pieniä kirjaimia. 
  • HUOMIO: roskaposti ja/tai myynninedistämiseen tarkoitetut viestit ja linkit poistetaan kommenteista.
  • Vältä herjaamista, kirosanoja ja kirjoittajiin tai muihin käyttäjiin kohdistuvia henkilökohtaisia hyökkäyksiä.
  • Ainoastaan suomenkieliset kommentit ovat sallittuja.

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