Yritä tehdä uusi haku
Nimi | Otsikko | Vuodesta | Saakka |
Álvaro Guzmán de Lázaro | - | 2015 | now |
Fernando Bernad Marrasé | - | 2015 | now |
Elämäkerta | Fernando Bernad Marrase currently manages funds at azValor where he joined in 2015, prior to it he was running strategies at Bestinver during eight years. Fernando started his financial career with internships at Price Waterhouse, BBVA and DG Bank. He joined Value Management & Research in 1998 and later worked for BNP Paribas Leverage Finance in the Spanish private equity sector as an associate. Fernando subsequently joined Banesto as a cyclical analyst and later was the head of the analysis team at Interdin. In 2005 he joined Vetusta Group as investment director where he led a team specialising in value style management of portfolios. |
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