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Cfs Fc W Psup-solaris Core Aust Equity (LP65001396)

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  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut tilillesi käyttääksesi tätä toimintoa.
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Position lisääminen onnistui kohteeseen:

Nimeä holdings-salkkusi
5,205 -0,030    -0,60%
13/11 - Suljettu. Valuutta AUD
Tyyppi:  Rahasto
Markkinat:  Australia
Liikkeeseenlaskija:  Commonwealth/Colonial Group
ISIN:  AU60FSF05931 
Omaisuusluokka:  Osake
  • Morningstar-luokitus:
  • Pääoma yhteensä: 79,85M
CFS FC W PSup-Solaris W Core Aus Equity 5,205 -0,030 -0,60%

LP65001396 - yleiskatsaus

Tältä sivulta löytyy syväluotaava Cfs Fc W Psup-solaris Core Aust Equity-profiili. Saat lisätietoja LP65001396-avainjohtajista, -kokonaisvaroista, -sijoitusstrategiasta ja -yhteystietoista.

Equity Australia Large Blend

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Osoite South Buidling 11 Harbour St Sydney
Sydney,NSW 2001
Puhelin 13 13 36
Faksi +61 02 9303 3200

Ylin johto

Nimi Otsikko Vuodesta Saakka
Andrew McLennan Emerging companies analyst 2022 now
Elämäkerta "Andrew has full portfolio responsibilities as an Analyst. He commenced his career at JP Morgan as an emerging companies analyst, before establishing himself as a market leading consumer sector analyst at firms including Commonwealth Bank and Goldman Sachs. Since commencing at Solaris, Andrew has applied his experience and industry contacts to the discretionary retail and staples retailing sectors. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Economics (1st class Honours) from the University of Queensland and received the University Medal in 2001."
Ryan Porter Graduate Project Engineer 2021 now
Elämäkerta "Ryan is responsible for all dealing operations, identifying profitable trading opportunities and communicating relevant market information to the investment team. Ryan is responsible for producing and analysing the team’s quantitative and risk analysis reports as well as supporting IT systems and development within Solaris. Prior to Solaris, Ryan worked as a Graduate Project Engineer at Honeywell Process Solutions. Ryan holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) and a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) from the University of Queensland as well as a Graduate Diploma of Applied Finance from Kaplan Professional."
Charles Casey - 2018 now
Elämäkerta Charles has full portfolio responsibilities as an Analyst. Charles has a passion for investing and since commencing at Solaris has developed an in-depth understanding of the Real Estate, Transport Fuel, Waste Management and Steel sectors. Before joining Solaris Charles worked for QIC as a Portfolio Manager in the Global-Multi Asset Team and previously a Research Analyst for the same team. After graduating from the University of Queensland with dual bachelor degree’s in Commerce and Economics, Charles worked for Macquarie in a range of roles, most recently as a Senior Manager in Product Management based in Sydney. Charles has received the Chartered Financial Analyst certification and completed a Diploma of Financial Planning (RG 146 Compliance) through Kaplan Professional.
Charles Story - 2012 now
Elämäkerta Charles has full portfolio responsibility as an Analyst, having commenced his career at Goldman Sachs and spending over five years gaining global experience in their London, Singapore and Tokyo offices. Since commencing at Solaris, Charles has developed an in depth understanding of the resources, telecommunications and banking sectors. Charles received a Bachelor of Business degree (majoring in Economics) from the University of Queensland in 2004 and has since completed a Master of Applied Finance (majoring in Funds Management) from Macquarie University.
Lisa Domagala - 2010 now
Elämäkerta Lisa provides supplemental advice and direction on a range of ESG issues to the Solaris analysts. Her expertise and passion for ESG issues is a strong fit with Solaris’ direction and commitment to aligning with the ESG imperatives of many of our clients. Lisa has experience in the Australian equity market, on both the analyst and dealing side. She has worked with McIntosh Hamson Hoare Govett (now Merrill Lynch), Equinet (now IRESS) and Suncorp, among others, before beginning her own consultancy, providing research and analysis related to philanthropy, and compliance to the financial services sector. During her time at Suncorp, Lisa occupied the Head of Dealing role for what is now the Solaris investment team. Significantly, she was also portfolio specialist for the Suncorp Investment Management Ethical Balanced Trust and other dedicated ESG portfolios. Her role included acting as the Ethical Committee chairperson and compiling specific ESG research and maintaining databases for analyst use. Lisa holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Queensland and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance & Investment from the Securities Institute of Australia.
Gus Roberts - 2010 now
Elämäkerta "As the Head of Dealing, Gus is responsible for the day to day management of the dealing desk. Gus is a key contributor to portfolio performance and is responsible for the efficient execution of equity and derivative trading across the Solaris funds. Gus is responsible for all dealing operations, identifying profitable trading opportunities and communicating relevant market information to the investment team. Gus is also a Co-Product Specialist for Long Short Fund and is responsible for producing and analysing the team’s quantitative and risk analysis reports. Gus holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance Major) from the University of Queensland and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investments through FINSIA."
Sean Martin - 2008 now
Elämäkerta Sean has been an Analyst since Solaris' inception in January 2008. Prior to establishing Solaris, Sean was a member of the 9 person Suncorp team (2001 to 2007) responsible for managing equity investments in excess of $5.5bn. Prior to his time at Suncorp, Sean was an Analyst for Schroder Investment Management (Australia) Ltd for four years, where he had full portfolio responsibility for all investments in the banking and finance, insurance, developers, diversified industrials, alcohol, energy and segments of the small industrial sectors. Sean spent the first years of his career working in the Chartered Accounting profession, before gaining international experience with a major international bank. Sean holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Queensland and a Diploma in Applied Finance through the Securities Institute of Australia. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Michael Bell - 2008 now
Elämäkerta Michael was appointed as Chief Investment Officer in May 2018, while maintaining his position as Analyst as well as being the Core, High Alpha and After-tax Product Specialist. Previously he was the Head of Dealing. Prior to establishing Solaris, Michael was a member of the 9 person Suncorp investment team (1997 to 2007) responsible for managing equity investments in excess of $5.5bn. While at Suncorp, Michael was a Portfolio Analyst where he was responsible for quantitative analysis and product specialist for the High Alpha and After Tax portfolios. Michael additionally was an integral part of the dealing team at Suncorp, spending the first years of his career working in investment operations at Suncorp settling trades and performing project work. Michael has a Bachelor of Business – Accountancy from the Queensland University of Technology and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance through the Securities Institute of Australia.
Will Earnshaw - 2008 now
Elämäkerta Will was appointed Managing Director in August 2013, while maintaining his position as Analyst held since Solaris' inception in January 2008. Prior to establishing Solaris, Will was a member of the 9 person Suncorp team (2000 to 2007) responsible for managing equity investments in excess of $5.5bn. Will spent the first 5 years of his career working in the Chartered Accounting profession, before gaining international financial markets experience as a risk analyst with Robert Fleming & Co and NatWest Equities in their OTC equity derivatives businesses. Will holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Economics from the University of Queensland, and is an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia. He holds a Graduate Diploma of Applied Finance and Investment from FINSIA and is a CFA charter holder.
Bernard Machen - 2008 now
Elämäkerta Bernard has full portfolio responsibility as an Analyst. Prior to establishing Solaris, Bernard was a member of the 9 person Suncorp team responsible (2000 to 2007) for managing equity investments in excess of $5.5bn. While at Suncorp, Bernard was solely responsible for a $550m low tracking error Listed Property Fund. Before joining the Suncorp Equities team, Bernard spent 10 years in the Information Technology arena, with 6 of those working directly for the Suncorp Equities team designing Portfolio Management and Performance systems, and later managing the Investments Systems team. Bernard holds a Bachelor of Business (Computing) from the Queensland University of Technology and Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from Kaplan Professional.
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Kirjoita ajatuksiasi kohteesta Cfs Fc W Psup-solaris Core Aust Equity
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