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Morgan Stanley Pathway Funds Emerging Markets Equity Fund (TEMUX)

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  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut tilillesi käyttääksesi tätä toimintoa.
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Position lisääminen onnistui kohteeseen:

Nimeä holdings-salkkusi
13,36 -0,05    -0,37%
08/01 - Tieto myöhässä. Valuutta USD
Tyyppi:  Rahasto
Markkinat:  Yhdysvallat
Liikkeeseenlaskija:  Morgan Stanley
Perusta:  MSCI EM Net USD
Omaisuusluokka:  Osake
  • Morningstar-luokitus:
  • Pääoma yhteensä: 535,18M
Consulting Group Emerging Mkts Equity 13,36 -0,05 -0,37%

TEMUX - yleiskatsaus

Tältä sivulta löytyy syväluotaava Morgan Stanley Pathway Funds Emerging Markets Equity Fund-profiili. Saat lisätietoja TEMUX-avainjohtajista, -kokonaisvaroista, -sijoitusstrategiasta ja -yhteystietoista.

Diversified Emerging Mkts

Pääoma yhteensä







Osoite 1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York,NY 10020
United States
Puhelin +1 855-332-5306

Ylin johto

Nimi Otsikko Vuodesta Saakka
Ola El-Shawarby - 2023 now
Elämäkerta Ms. El-Shawarby joined VanEck in 2017 as Senior Analyst for VanEck’s Emerging Markets Equity Strategy, with a specialized focus in the EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) regions of emerging markets. Prior to joining VanEck, Ms. El-Shawarby was Director and Investment Analyst at Caravel Management, LLC, where she was responsible for identifying and analyzing investment ideas and economic and political evaluations of growth and risk for Middle East, North Africa, and Emerging Europe equities and companies. Her previous experience included working as a Private Equity Summer Fellow at Kaust Investment Management Company helping to set the private equity investment strategy for the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Endowment. Prior to this, Ms. El-Shawarby held several roles at EFG-Hermes Asset Management, including Analyst, Vice President, and Portfolio Manager. Ms. El-Shawarby is a CFA Charterholder and member of the CFA Society, Egypt. She received an MBA from Harvard Business School. She earned a BA in Business Administration (Summa Cum Laude) with a concentration in Finance from The American University in Cairo and a BS in Political Science with a minor in Economics from Cairo University.
Aimee Truesdale Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Elämäkerta Aimee Truesdale is a co-manager of our Global Emerging Markets strategy and has responsibility for researching stocks in the healthcare sector. Aimee joined Martin Currie in 2021. Before that, she was an assistant fund manager and equities analyst at Jupiter Asset Management, where she managed and conducted research on the firm’s Indian equities strategy. Part of her role involved collaborating with Jupiter’s stewardship team to oversee environmental, social and governance (ESG)issues at investee companies. Prior to this, she worked in the global equities and Asia equities teams at Waverton Investment Management. Before joining the investment management industry, Aimee was a nuclear physicist at AWE,a U.K. Ministry of Defence research facility.Aimee is a CFACharterholderand has a B.Sc. in physics with honours from the University of Edinburgh.CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are trademarks owned by CFA Institute.
Paul Whitehead Managing Director 2022 now
Elämäkerta Paul Whitehead, Managing Director, is the Co-Head of Index Equity with responsibility for Global Portfolio Engineering, Index Asset Allocation, Investment Process & Platform, and Transition Management (TRIM) within BlackRock's ETF and Index Investments group. Mr. Whitehead's service with the firm dates back to 1996, including his years with Barclays Global Investors (BGI), which merged with BlackRock in 2009. Prior to assuming his current role , Mr. Whitehead was Global Head of Equity Trading, Global Head of Transition Management and Head of Americas Equity Trading.
Peter Sietsema - 2022 now
Elämäkerta Peter Sietsema has been with BFA since 2007, including his years with BGI, which merged with BFA in 2009. Mr. Sietsema has been employed by BFA or its affiliates as a Director since 2011 and a Vice President from 2009 to 2010. Mr. Sietsema has been a Portfolio Manager of each fund since 2023.
Paul Sloane Co-Manager 2021 now
Elämäkerta Paul is a co-manager of our Global Emerging Markets strategy and has responsibility for researching financials stocks. Paul first joined Martin Currie in 2003, leading our global financials research and comanaging our Global Financials Absolute Return Fund from 2006 to 2011 and Global Alpha strategy from 2013. Paul left the firm in 2017 and re-joined in 2018 as part of the Global Emerging Markets team. Prior to his time at Martin Currie he was at Deutsche Bank, where he was responsible for specialist sales in the pan-European insurance sector. He started his career in 1993 as a Trainee Chartered Accountant at Standard Life before moving into an investment analyst role at Standard Life Investments in 1997. Paul is a Chartered Accountant (CA) and an associate of the UK Society of Investment Professionals (ASIP). Paul has a PGDip in Investment Analysis from the University of Stirling and a BA (Hons) Accounting from the University of Ulster.
Andrew Mathewson investment manager 2021 now
Elämäkerta Andrew is a co-manager of our Global Emerging Markets strategy. He has had responsibility for researching stocks in the consumer and healthcare sectors since the formation of the Global Emerging Markets team in 2010. Prior to this, he worked in Martin Currie’s Asia and Global Emerging Markets team, as an investment manager for the Global Emerging Markets product with a research focus on EMEA markets. He joined Martin Currie in 2005 from the Scottish Investment Trust, where he was an investment manager for UK equities. Andrew is a CFA® Charterholder. He has a BSc (Hons) in Economics from the University of St Andrews.
Paul Desoisa Martin Currie Investment Management Ltd 2021 now
Elämäkerta Paul is a co-manager of our Global Emerging Markets strategy, with responsibility for researching stocks in the industrial, financial and utilities sectors. Paul joined Martin Currie in 2013 researching technology, media and telecoms stocks in the Global team, before progressing into a portfolio management role in the North America team. He joined the Global Emerging Markets team as a portfolio manager in 2017. Before Martin Currie, Paul worked as a trainee actuary for Punter Southall.. Paul is a CFA® Charterholder and has a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of York.
Colin Dishington Martin Currie Investment Management Ltd 2021 now
Elämäkerta Colin is a co-manager of our Global Emerging Markets strategy, with responsibility for researching stocks in the communication services sector. Before re-joining Martin Currie in 2018, he worked as a research analyst at Matthews Asia, an Asia-only investment specialist. Before this, Colin worked at Martin Currie from 2010-2012, initially as Assistant Research Analyst, working on global financials stocks, before progressing to Assistant Portfolio Manager in our Japan team. Colin is a Chartered Accountant (CA), beginning his professional career at Chiene & Tait Chartered Accountants. He was then at Lloyds Banking Group before he first joined Martin Currie. He is a CFA® charterholder and has an MA in Economics from the University of Glasgow.
Divya Mathur Investment Manager 2021 now
Elämäkerta Divya is a co-manager of our Global Emerging Markets strategy, with responsibility for technology sector research. He joined Martin Currie in 2010 from SWIP. As sector analyst, he was responsible for stocks across the technology and utilities sectors in emerging markets. Earlier, Divya spent over a decade at Henderson Global Investors in London, before managing GEM and dedicated Indian equity portfolios for eight years. Divya has an MSc in investment analysis from the University of Stirling and a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science and Accounting from the University of Manchester.
Alastair Reynolds Investment Manager 2021 now
Elämäkerta Alastair has been investing in equities for almost 30 years. He joined Martin Currie in 2010, when Martin Currie expanded its commitment to the Emerging Market asset class. In addition to managing investment portfolios and conducting investment research, Alastair is also responsible for the overall management of our Emerging Markets team. During his career, Alastair has managed a broad range of emerging market equity strategies, including frontier markets and small caps. Prior to Joining Martin Currie, Alastair worked at Scottish Widows Investment Partnership, Edinburgh Fund Managers and Scottish Amicable Investment Management. He is an associate of the UK Society of Investment Professionals (ASIP), the predecessor of the CFA Society of the UK.
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Kirjoita ajatuksiasi kohteesta Morgan Stanley Pathway Funds Emerging Markets Equity Fund
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