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Delaware Small Cap Value Fund Class R6 (DVZRX)

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  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut tilillesi käyttääksesi tätä toimintoa.
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Position lisääminen onnistui kohteeseen:

Nimeä holdings-salkkusi
77,00 -0,20    -0,26%
03/10 - Suljettu. Valuutta USD ( Vastuuvapauslauseke )
Tyyppi:  Rahasto
Markkinat:  Yhdysvallat
Liikkeeseenlaskija:  Delaware Funds by Macquarie
Omaisuusluokka:  Osake
  • Morningstar-luokitus:
  • Pääoma yhteensä: 1,25B
Delaware Small Cap Value R6 77,00 -0,20 -0,26%

DVZRX - yleiskatsaus

Tältä sivulta löytyy syväluotaava Delaware Small Cap Value Fund Class R6-profiili. Saat lisätietoja DVZRX-avainjohtajista, -kokonaisvaroista, -sijoitusstrategiasta ja -yhteystietoista.

Small Value

Pääoma yhteensä







Osoite Delaware Funds by Macquarie
United States
Puhelin -

Ylin johto

Nimi Otsikko Vuodesta Saakka
Michael Foley Senior Portfolio Manager 2019 now
Elämäkerta Michael Foley is a senior portfolio manager for the US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity team. He assumed portfolio management responsibilities in July 2019. He joined Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) in February 2015 as a senior equity analyst for the US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity team. Foley is responsible for the analysis, purchase, and sale recommendations of financial services and real estate investment trust (REIT) securities for the firm's US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity portfolios. Prior to joining the firm, Foley was an associate at Patriot Financial Partners, a private equity firm, from August 2011 to February 2015, focusing on the analysis of companies in the financial services sector. He started his career with Janney Montgomery Scott where he worked as an investment banking analyst within the financial institutions group from August 2009 to August 2011. Foley earned a bachelor's degree in economics with dual concentrations in finance and accounting from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Foley is on the board of directors of the McNamee Scholars Program.
Kelley McKee Carabasi Vice President 2012 now
Elämäkerta Kelley McKee Carabasi is a senior portfolio manager for the US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity team. She assumed portfolio management responsibilities in July 2012. She joined the team in July 2005 as an equity analyst. She is responsible for the analysis, purchase, and sale recommendations of basic industry, capital spending, and utilities securities for the firm's US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity portfolios. Prior to joining Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) she participated in Lincoln Financial Group's rotational Professional Development Program for three years. Carabasi earned a bachelor's degree in finance from Georgetown University and an MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Kent P. Madden Portfolio Manager 2012 now
Elämäkerta Kent P. Madden is a senior portfolio manager for the US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity team. He assumed portfolio management responsibilities in July 2012. He joined the team in December 2004 as an equity analyst and was promoted to senior equity analyst in October 2010. He is responsible for the analysis, purchase, and sale recommendations of consumer services, consumer cyclicals, consumer staples, healthcare, and transportation stocks for the firm's US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity portfolios. Prior to joining Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) he was an equity analyst at Gartmore Global Investments, where he specialized in technology and telecommunications. He has also worked as an equity analyst for Federated Investors, where he gained experience covering small-capitalization consumer stocks, and Lehman Brothers as a corporate finance analyst. Madden holds a bachelor's degree in economics from DePauw University and an MBA from the University of Chicago.
Steven G. Catricks Vice President 2012 2023
Elämäkerta Steven G. Catricks is a senior portfolio manager for the US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity team. He assumed portfolio management responsibilities in July 2012. He joined the team in October 2010 as a senior equity analyst. He is responsible for the analysis, purchase, and sale recommendations of technology and business services securities for the firm's US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity portfolios. Prior to joining the US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity team, he was a portfolio manager for the firm's Strategic Small-Cap Value team, focusing on the technology, healthcare, and telecommunication services sectors. He joined Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) in 2001 as an equity analyst, performing research and analysis for the firm's Emerging Growth Equity team. Previously, Catricks was an equity analyst at BlackRock Financial from 1999 to 2001, where he specialized in small-capitalization growth stocks. He also worked as a systems engineer at Dow Jones/Factiva, and as a senior systems engineer at GE Aerospace/Lockheed Martin. He started his career as a systems engineer at the Naval Air Development Center, where he spent 15 years. Catricks holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Drexel University and a master's degree in engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, and has nearly 20 years of experience in the technology industry. Catricks is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Christopher S. Beck Vice President 1997 2022
Elämäkerta Christopher S. Beck leads Delaware Management Company's US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity team. He is also a member of the Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) Global Management Committee. Prior to joining MIM in 1997 as a vice president and senior portfolio manager, he was vice president at Pitcairn Trust from 1995 to 1997, where he managed small-capitalization stocks and analyzed equity sectors. Before that he was chief investment officer of the University of Delaware from 1992 to 1995 and held management positions during his seven years at Cypress Capital Management and four years at Wilmington Trust. Beck earned a bachelor's degree at the University of Delaware and an MBA from Lehigh University, and he is a member of the CFA Society of Philadelphia and past president of the Wilmington Society of Securities Analysts.
Andrea Giles Vice President, Portfolio Manager 2000 2002
Elämäkerta Giles is vice president and portfolio manager for Delaware Investments. Prior to joining Delaware in 1995 she was an account officer in the Leveraged Capital Group with Citibank.
George H. Burwell Partner, Senior Portfolio Manager 1997 1997
Elämäkerta From 1999 to 2001, he was a Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager at Merrill Lynch Investment Managers. From 1992 to 1999, he was a Senior Portfolio Manager at Delaware Investment Advisers where he managed $1.4 Billion in core and balanced equity mutual funds. Prior to Delaware, he was a portfolio manager and analyst at Midlantic National Bank where he managed several equity income funds.
David C. Dalrymple Managing Partner, Senior Portfolio Manager 1995 1997
Elämäkerta David C. Dalrymple, CFA, has been with Chartwell since its inception in 1997. He has served as Chartwell’s Managing Partner and Senior Portfolio Manager since 1997. During the past nineteen years, Mr. Dalrymple has been the lead portfolio manager of the firm’s Small Cap Value strategy serving institutional, high net worth, and mutual fund sub-advisory clients. Mr. Dalrymple is part of a dedicated investment team of four investment professionals. From 1991 to 1997, Mr. Dalrymple served as Portfolio Manager at Delaware Investment Advisers, managing a small cap value mutual fund, the Value Fund, and assisting in managing mutual funds and institutional assets in small and mid-cap styles. Prior to joining Delaware Investment Advisers, Mr. Dalrymple was an assistant portfolio manager at Lord Abbett & Co. managing mid-cap value and small-cap growth products. Mr. Dalrymple holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Clarkson University and an MBA from Cornell University’s Johnson School and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
Edward A. Trumpbour Co-Founder 1987 1995
Elämäkerta Before founding VIMCO Ed was a member of the Executive Board, a Managing Director and the founder and co-head of the Absolute Value Group at Brandywine Global Investment Management which, at its peak, managed assets in excess of $1.9 billion. Together with Rasto Berlansky, Ed was responsible for determining the strategic direction of the group, with management of and responsibility for the group’s profits and losses, as well as contract negotiations and all business, financial, operating, marketing and personnel decisions. Ed also served as the lead portfolio manager for the Small/Mid Cap Value product which had peak assets in excess of $1.1 billion. Ed joined Brandywine in 1996. Previously, he was with Delaware Investment Advisers, as Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager with the firm’s institutional large cap value team. While at Delaware, he also launched and managed the Delaware Value Fund (subsequently renamed Delaware Small Cap Value Fund), investing in small and mid-capitalization equities. Additionally, Ed served as an intern analyst with Gabelli Asset Management. He earned a M.B.A. in Finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a B.S.B.A. in Finance from Georgetown University.
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