Yritä tehdä uusi haku
Nimi | Otsikko | Vuodesta | Saakka |
Jan Ehrhardt | - | 2003 | now |
Richard Schmidt | - | 2020 | 2020 |
Elämäkerta | Richard Schmidt is Head of Absolute Return at DJE Kapital AG since March 2019. As part of this role, he is responsible for strategic management and holistic coverage for absolute return mandates. He is also co-fund manager of our ESG fund „DWS Concept DJE Responsible Invest“. Richard Schmidt has many years of experience in multi-asset fund management. Before joining DJE he was responsible for the MEAG EuroErtrag at MEAG Munich Ergo Asset Management and headed the strategic group Tactical Asset Allocation there. At Lazard Asset Management he served as a portfolio manager and was responsible for the management of pension mandates for institutional clients. |
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