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Dodge & Cox Worldwide Global Stock Fund Cad Accumulating Class (0P0000SO7V)

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  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut tilillesi käyttääksesi tätä toimintoa.
  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut tilillesi käyttääksesi tätä toimintoa.
  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut samalla käyttäjäprofiililla.








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Position lisääminen onnistui kohteeseen:

Nimeä holdings-salkkusi
50,690 -0,120    -0,24%
13/03 - Suljettu. Valuutta CAD
Tyyppi:  Rahasto
Markkinat:  Irlanti
Liikkeeseenlaskija:  Dodge & Cox
ISIN:  IE00B4K6MX26 
Omaisuusluokka:  Osake
  • Morningstar-luokitus:
  • Pääoma yhteensä: 8,88B
Dodge & Cox Worldwide Global Stock Fund CAD Accumu 50,690 -0,120 -0,24%

0P0000SO7V - yleiskatsaus

Tältä sivulta löytyy syväluotaava Dodge & Cox Worldwide Global Stock Fund Cad Accumulating Class-profiili. Saat lisätietoja 0P0000SO7V-avainjohtajista, -kokonaisvaroista, -sijoitusstrategiasta ja -yhteystietoista.

Maailma arvoyhtiöt osakkeet

Pääoma yhteensä







Osoite International Finance Center, Unit 3601-05, Floor 36, 8 Century Avenue
Pudong District,Shanghai 200120
Puhelin 415.981.1710

Ylin johto

Nimi Otsikko Vuodesta Saakka
Raymond J. Mertens Senior Vice President, Investment Committee Member & Research Analyst 2021 now
Elämäkerta Mr. Mertens received his Bachelor of Arts from Harvard College in 1994 and his Masters of Business Administration from the Harvard Business School in 2003. Prior to graduate school, he worked in private equity at Idealab and TA Associates and as a financial analyst at Alex Brown. He joined Dodge & Cox in 2003. Mr. Mertens is a shareholder of the firm and holds the CFA designation.
David C. Hoeft Senior Vice President 2016 now
Elämäkerta He is Vice President. He was Senior Vice President and Director of Dodge & Cox; Chief Investment Officer (since 2022), Associate Director of Research (until 2019), and member of USEIC, GEIC, and BIC (since May 2022) after joining Dodge & Cox in 1993. He is a Director and shareholder of the firm and a CFA charterholder. Prior to entering graduate school, he worked for two years as a consultant to the energy industry. Mr. Hoeft received his B.A. degree (Phi Beta Kappa) from the University of Chicago in 1989 and his M.B.A. from the Harvard Business School in 1993.
Steven C. Voorhis Senior Vice President, Director of Research & Investment Committee Member 2009 now
Elämäkerta Mr. Voorhis received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from Stanford University in 1992 and his M.B.A from the Harvard Business School in 1996. Prior to graduate school, he worked at Goldman Sachs as a financial analyst. He joined Dodge & Cox in 1996. Mr. Voorhis is a shareholder of the firm and a CFA charterholder.
Roger G. Kuo Senior Vice President 2009 now
Elämäkerta Roger G. Kuo is Vice President, who was Senior Vice President and Director (since 2016) of Dodge & Cox; Research Analyst and member of Dodge & Cox’s Global Equity Investment Committee and Dodge & Cox’s International Equity Investment Committee . Mr. Kuo received his B.A. degree from Harvard College (magna cum laude) in 1993 and his M.B.A. degree in 1998 from Harvard Business School. Prior to graduate school, he worked at Bear Stearns as a financial analyst. He joined Dodge & Cox in 1998. Mr. Kuo is a shareholder of the firm and holds the CFA designation.
Lily S. Beischer Vice President 2009 now
Elämäkerta Lily S. Beischer is Vice President who was Research Analyst and member of Dodge & Cox’s Global Equity Investment Committee. Ms. Beischer received her B.A. degree (cum laude) from Yale University in 1992 and her M.B.A. and J.D. (cum laude) degrees from Harvard in 1998. Prior to graduate school, she worked for McKinsey & Company as a management consultant. Ms. Beischer joined Dodge & Cox in 1998, left the firm to work at Looksmart, Inc. in 1999, and then rejoined Dodge & Cox in 2001. Ms. Beischer is a member of the American Bar Association and California Bar Association (inactive), a shareholder of the firm, and holds the CFA® designation.
Karol Marcin Vice President 2009 now
Elämäkerta Mr. Marcin is Vice President of Dodge & Cox; Research Analyst and member of Dodge & Cox’s U.S. Equity Investment Committee (since 2018) and Dodge & Cox’s Global Equity Investment Committee. He received his B.A. (summa cum laude) from Whitman College in 1995 and his M.B.A. from the Stanford Graduate School of Business in 2000. Prior to entering graduate school, he worked for three years as a financial analyst with Salomon Brothers. Mr. Marcin joined Dodge & Cox in 2000. Mr. Marcin is a shareholder of the firm and a CFA charterholder.
Diana S. Strandberg Senior Vice President 2009 2022
Elämäkerta Ms. Strandberg is Senior Vice President. He was Director of Dodge & Cox, Director of International Equity and member of International Equity Investment Committee, member of Global Fixed Income Investment Committee (until 2018), U.S. Fixed Income Investment Committee (until 2020), and Global Equity Investment Committee (until 2022) graduated from the University of California, Berkeley (Phi Beta Kappa) in 1981 and received her M.B.A. degree from the Harvard Business School in 1986. After two years as a securities analyst at the First Boston Corporation, she joined Dodge & Cox in 1988.
Charles F. Pohl Chairman & Chief Investment Officer 2009 2021
Elämäkerta Mr. Pohl is Chairman and Director of Dodge & Cox, who was Chief Investment Officer and member of USEIC, GEIC, and IEIC; member of USFIIC (until 2019). He received his B.A. degree in 1980 and his M.B.A. degree in 1981 from the University of Chicago. He was with Wells Fargo Investment Advisors from 1981 until joining Dodge & Cox in 1984. Mr. Pohl is Chairman and a Trustee of the Dodge & Cox Funds. He is a Director and shareholder of the firm and a CFA charterholder.
Raymond J. Mertens Senior Vice President, Investment Committee Member & Research Analyst 2014 2018
Elämäkerta Mr. Mertens received his Bachelor of Arts from Harvard College in 1994 and his Masters of Business Administration from the Harvard Business School in 2003. Prior to graduate school, he worked in private equity at Idealab and TA Associates and as a financial analyst at Alex Brown. He joined Dodge & Cox in 2003. Mr. Mertens is a shareholder of the firm and holds the CFA designation.
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  • Rikastuta keskustelua
  • Keskity aiheeseen ja pysy asiassa. Postita ainoastaan sellaista aineistoa, joka on merkityksellistä keskusteltavan aiheen kannalta.
  • Kunnioita muita käyttäjiä. Myös kielteiset mielipiteet voidaan esittää myönteisellä ja diplomaattisella tavalla.
  • Käytä normaalia kirjoituskieltä. Käytä välimerkkejä sekä isoja ja pieniä kirjaimia. 
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