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Nimi | Otsikko | Vuodesta | Saakka |
Mike Corcell | - | 2020 | now |
Elämäkerta | Mike Corcell is a portfolio manager at Man GLG.Before joining Man Group in October 2019, he was portfolio manager at RWC Partners. Mike has also worked at Karsch Capital NYC and Threadneedle Asset Management. Mike has years’ experience in US equity fund management and a highly successful track record in US equity/long short investment. At RWC, Mike has established the US Equity team with the same approach and responsibilities that he successfully adopted in the past. He worked as an analyst for Mike Karsch at Karsch Capital in 2002 before joining Threadneedle Investments in 2003 to launch and manage the US long/short strategy “American Crescendo” based in London. Mike’s disciplined approach to fundamental analysis. Following Threadneedle, he joined SAC to manage a very significant US equity long/short book for Steve Cohen based in London. He graduated with a BA Hons degree from Colgate University, New York. | ||
Priya Kodeeswaran | - | 2016 | 2020 |
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