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Nimi | Otsikko | Vuodesta | Saakka |
Travis Cooke | Managing Director | 2012 | now |
Elämäkerta | Travis Cooke, CFA, Managing Director, is Head of the US portfolio management group within BlackRock's Scientific Active Equity (SAE) team. He is responsible for the management of the US long-only, partial long-short, and long-short equity strategies within SAE. | ||
Raffaele Savi | Managing Director | 2012 | now |
Elämäkerta | Raffaele Savi, Senior Managing Director, is Global Head of BlackRock Systematic (BSYS) and Co-CIO and Co-Head of Systematic Active Equity (SAE). He is a member of BlackRock’s Global Executive Committee and its Investment Sub Committee. As head of BSYS, Mr. Savi leads the firm’s quantitative investing teams, including fixed income, equity and factor strategies. In 2006, Mr. Savi joined Barclay's Global Investors (BGI), which merged with BlackRock in 2009. At BGI, Mr. Savi was global head of portfolio management for active equities and also served as its head of investments for European active |
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