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Pace Global Fixed Income Investments Class P (PCGLX)

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8,08 +0,02    +0,25%
18/10 - Tieto myöhässä. Valuutta USD
Tyyppi:  Rahasto
Markkinat:  Yhdysvallat
Liikkeeseenlaskija:  UBS Asset Management
Omaisuusluokka:  Joukkovelkakirja
  • Morningstar-luokitus:
  • Pääoma yhteensä: 165,85M
PACE Global Fixed Income Investments P 8,08 +0,02 +0,25%

PCGLX - yleiskatsaus

Tältä sivulta löytyy syväluotaava Pace Global Fixed Income Investments Class P-profiili. Saat lisätietoja PCGLX-avainjohtajista, -kokonaisvaroista, -sijoitusstrategiasta ja -yhteystietoista.

World Bond

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Ylin johto

Nimi Otsikko Vuodesta Saakka
Eileen Wong - 2023 now
Elämäkerta Eileen serves as a Portfolio Manager for the Americas House View Portfolios within Managed Account Solutions in UBS Asset Management. In her role, Eileen is responsible for managing portfolios offered to UBS Wealth Management clients that are aligned with UBS Wealth Management House Views. Her responsibilities include implementing the House View’s strategic and tactical asset allocations, and portfolio construction and security selection of active and passive pooled vehicles. Eileen’s research coverage includes domestic taxable fixed income investments, sustainable investing fixed income investments, Master Limited Partnerships, and Real Estate Investment Trusts. She is also a member of the Managed Account Solutions Investment Committee, which reviews and approves investment strategies, prior to implementation, in the House View portfolios. Prior to moving to UBS Asset Management in November 2020, Eileen spent 10 years as a portfolio manager in the Investment Management group of UBS Global Wealth Management, where she was responsible for fixed income research and strategy selection, portfolio construction and management of multi-asset class portfolios. Eileen was a member of the Investment Management Investment Committee (IMIC) and was also a member of the Investment Management Research Committee (IMRC). Eileen joined the UBS Financial Services Taxable Fixed Income Strategy Group in 2000 as a Taxable Fixed Income Strategist where she developed bond strategies for UBS’s Financial Advisors, leveraging the firm's Wealth Management Research teams and Taxable Fixed Income traders. Prior to joining UBS in 2000, Eileen worked for Moody's Investors Service Inc. as a Senior Associate. Eileen received a B.S. in Finance and International Business from Manhattan College, at Riverdale, New York. Eileen is FINRA Series 7, 24, 63, and 66 licensed.
David Kelly Portfolio Manager 2021 now
Elämäkerta David Kelly is a portfolio manager for Americas House View Portfolios for UBS AM. Mr. Kelly is responsible for managing portfolios offered to UBS Financial Services clients that are aligned with UBS Financial Services House Views. He is a voting member of the Managed Account Solutions Investment Committee. Prior to joining UBS AM in May 2021, Mr. Kelly was a portfolio manager in the Investment Management group of UBS Financial Services, where he was responsible for strategy selection, portfolio construction and management of the multi-managed strategies. Mr. Kelly was a voting member of the Investment Management Investment Committee and was a member of the Investment Management Research Committee. Prior to joining UBS in 2004, Mr. Kelly worked at Merrill Lynch for 15 years where he served in a variety of municipal and taxable fixed income capacities, including private client sales, municipal new issue marketing and fixed income portfolio construction.
Chris Andersen Head 2021 now
Elämäkerta Christopher is Head of Portfolio Management, Americas House View Portfolios for UBS Asset Management. In his role, Christopher is responsible for leading the portfolio management activities of portfolios offered to UBS Wealth Management clients that are aligned with UBS Wealth Management House Views. In that capacity, he leads a team of portfolio managers responsible for the House View Portfolios, which implement the House View’s strategic and tactical asset allocations, with passive and active pooled vehicles and individual securities. Christopher is deputy-chair and a voting member of the Managed Account Solutions Investment Committee. The Investment Committee reviews and approves investment strategies, prior to implementation, in the House View portfolios. Prior to moving to UBS Asset Management in November 2020, Christopher was promoted to Head of Portfolio Construction Americas for UBS Global Wealth Management in 2018. Christopher led the portfolio management activities of the team of portfolio managers responsible for the UBS Managed Portfolios (renamed as House View Portfolios). Christopher chaired the Investment Management Investment Committee (IMIC) and was a member of the Investment Management Research Committee (IMRC). Prior to joining UBS in 2012, Christopher spent 15 years with New York Life Investment Management (NYLIM) overseeing the company’s Investment Consulting Group. In this role, he was responsible for the independent oversight of investment activities of the Mainstay Funds, as well as manager selection across asset allocation strategies, sub-advisory mandates and NYLIM's mutual fund M&A activities. Christopher received a B.A. in economics and German from Binghamton University.  Christopher holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) designation and is a member of the CFA Society New York. He is FINRA Series 7, 24 and 63 licensed.
Myles Bradshaw Portfolio Manager 2019 now
Elämäkerta Myles Bradshaw, CFA, managing director, is the Head of Global Aggregate Strategies within the Global Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities (GFICC) group. Based in London, he is a portfolio manager focusing on multi-sector bond strategies for both segregated and pooled funds. He has 23+ years of experience managing interest rate, credit, securitized, volatility and foreign exchange rate risks in global portfolios. Myles joins from Amundi, where he was Head of the Global Aggregate Fixed Income team. Before joining Amundi, Myles spent 8 years as a portfolio manager at PIMCO.
Iain T. Stealey Portfolio Manager 2017 now
Elämäkerta Iain Stealey, CFA, Managing Director, is the International Chief Investment Officer and head of Global Aggregate Strategies within the Global Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities (GFICC) group. Based in London, he is a portfolio manager focusing on multi-sector bond strategies for both segregated clients and pooled funds. Within the Global Aggregate team, Iain was previously responsible for the portfolio management of enhanced cash and short duration portfolios. An employee since 2002, he obtained a B.Sc. in Management Science from Loughborough University.
Linda Raggi Portfolio Manager 2017 now
Elämäkerta Linda Raggi, executive director, is a member of the Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities (GFICC) group. Based in London, she is a portfolio manager focusing on global aggregate, multi-sector bond strategies for both segregated clients and pooled funds. An employee since 2008, Linda previously worked as a fixed income client portfolio manager. She obtained a B.Sc. in international economics and management from Bocconi University and an M.Sc. in banking and international finance from the Cass Business School in London.
Fred Lee Portfolio Manager 2009 now
Elämäkerta Fred Lee, CFA, as the Head of Portfolio Construction & Quantitative Research within the MMS team since January 2009, oversees the portfolio construction process in determining the specific allocations to individual managers. He also leads the team responsible for the quantitative assessment of managers. Mr. Lee is located in the London office of UBS AM, which he joined in 2006 as a Risk Analyst where he provided risk assessment and monitoring for all client portfolios and enhanced proprietary risk models. Prior to joining UBS AM, Mr. Lee worked as a consultant for MSCI Barra providing advice to large investment managers across Europe on the interpretation and use of risk models and analytics.
Mabel Lung Portfolio Manager 1995 now
Elämäkerta • Mabel has been an integral member in portfolio management of Multi-Asset and Multi-Component Portfolios since 2000 when UBS Asset Management launched the UBS Multi-Asset Managed Accounts Program. • Recognizing the importance of after-tax investment results to US private clients, Mabel led her team to launch Personalized Tax Management in 2011 as a tax overlay investment service to multi-asset portfolios. • Mabel has significant experience in manager selection, overseeing $30 billion of assets for institutional and private clients globally through open architecture of best-in-class managers in liquid strategies, combined with a keen focus on risk-aware and holistic portfolio construction. • Mabel joined the firm in 1984, after her graduate study in business administration and has held various positions in finance, treasury, strategic and business planning, prior to joining the asset management division of the firm in 1995. • Prior to business school, she was a corporate finance analyst at an investment banking firm.
Gina Toth Executive Director 2013 2023
Elämäkerta Gina Toth, CFA, is a Portfolio Manager within the MMS team at UBS AM, focusing on fixed income and multi-asset investment strategies, including liquid alternatives. She is part of the team responsible for manager due diligence and selection, portfolio construction, risk management, investment oversight, and performance of multi-asset strategies. Ms. Toth joined the firm in March 2013. Previously, she worked at AllianceBernstein as a Senior Portfolio Manager in New York and Sydney, specializing in multi-asset portfolios, asset allocation and custom solutions for the institutional, high-net worth and retail channels, encompassing both traditional and non-traditional asset classes. She also spent 14 years in New York and London as a fixed income portfolio manager for US and global portfolios.
Joseph M. Sciortino Portfolio Manager 2019 2021
Elämäkerta Joseph Sciortino is the Head of Credit Investments for the MMS team and HFS. Mr. Sciortino is primarily responsible for manager research in structured products and private credit and is involved in corporate credit strategies. He is a member of the portfolio management team and is actively involved in a variety of client-facing functions. Prior to joining UBS in 2006, Mr. Sciortino was a Senior Investment Analyst at Lake Partners, Inc., a multi-billion dollar consultant specializing in alternative investments, where he was responsible for manager research, portfolio management and directing the junior research analysts (from 2000 to 2006).
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