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Nimi | Otsikko | Vuodesta | Saakka |
Sanveer Hariparsad | - | 2011 | now |
Guy Toms | Investment Director | 2003 | now |
Elämäkerta | Guy Toms is Prescient's chief investment strategist and is widely respected in the investment management industry in the field of bond and derivative management. Guy is also responsible for fixed interest initiatives. Guy established Prescient Investment Management in August 1998, and he is a founder member, Executive Director and Chief Investment Officer Guy joined District Securities Bank at the end of 1993 where he was later appointed as a bank director and responsible for District Securities' bond management, derivative broking and trading operations. Prior to that, Guy was Bond Manager and responsible for all derivative exposure in the pension funds from 1991 to 1993 at Investec Asset Management. While at Investec he also managed the Metboard Gilt Fund, which remained consistently first in it's category throughout this period. Guy has held executive management positions in the investment industry since 1986 with his expertise being the specialised field of bond and derivative management. Guy worked as Bond Analyst and Manager as well as Derivative Specialist at Colonial Mutual, Cape Gilt Investments - later renamed Corporate Portfolio Managers - and Southern Life. Guy graudated from the University of Cape Town with a Bachelor of Business Science degree in Mathematical Economics. | ||
Kevin Dewar | - | 2003 | 2012 |
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