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Nimi | Otsikko | Vuodesta | Saakka |
John C. Armitage | Co-Founder | 2009 | now |
Elämäkerta | John Armitage co-founded Egerton Capital in 1994 with William Bollinger. At Egerton, John is Chief Investment Officer and responsible for all portfolio management related activities for the Firm’s equity long/short and equity long-only strategies. John is also a director of Egerton Capital Limited. Prior to co-founding Egerton Capital, John worked at Morgan Grenfell Asset Management, where he was a director from March 1991. At Morgan Grenfell, John had sole responsibility for the Morgan Grenfell European Growth Trust from its launch in April 1988 until the end of March 1994. During this time, the fund was the top ranked European mutual fund. John joined Morgan Grenfell in 1981. He specialized in Continental European equity research and fund management from 1983 onwards, and has extensive research experience and knowledge across the Continent and all major industry sectors. John managed European equity portfolios for a wide variety of clients from 1987 to his departure in 1994. John graduated from Cambridge University in 1981 with a degree in Modern History. |
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