Yritä tehdä uusi haku
Nimi | Otsikko | Vuodesta | Saakka |
Samantha Lamb | - | 2017 | now |
Craig MacDonald | - | 2011 | now |
Elämäkerta | Craig MacDonald is Global Head of Fixed Income. Craig’s role encompasses Credit, EMD and Aggregate bond investing. Money Markets and Rates. He is also the lead portfolio manager for a number of sterling, euro and global credit mandates. Craig joined the company in 2002 from Standard & Poor’s where Craig was a Director and team leader responsible for non-local government European public finance. This encompassed areas such as Private Finance Initiative and other project finance, and structured bonds in areas such as healthcare, housing, education and social housing. Craig graduated with a BA from University of Durham. He also holds an MBA from London Business School and is a member of The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). |
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