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Stewart Investors Worldwide Leaders Fund Class I (accumulation) Usd (0P00000CA4)

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  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut tilillesi käyttääksesi tätä toimintoa.
  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut samalla käyttäjäprofiililla.








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Position lisääminen onnistui kohteeseen:

Nimeä holdings-salkkusi
20,062 -0,160    -0,81%
03/01 - Suljettu. Valuutta USD
Tyyppi:  Rahasto
Markkinat:  Irlanti
Liikkeeseenlaskija:  First State Investments (Hong Kong) Ltd
ISIN:  IE0008368304 
Omaisuusluokka:  Osake
  • Morningstar-luokitus:
  • Pääoma yhteensä: 79,91M
Stewart Investors Worldwide Leaders Fund Class I ( 20,062 -0,160 -0,81%

0P00000CA4 - yleiskatsaus

Tältä sivulta löytyy syväluotaava Stewart Investors Worldwide Leaders Fund Class I (accumulation) Usd-profiili. Saat lisätietoja 0P00000CA4-avainjohtajista, -kokonaisvaroista, -sijoitusstrategiasta ja -yhteystietoista.

Maailma kasvuyhtiöt osakkeet

Pääoma yhteensä







Osoite First Sentier Investors (Ireland) Limited
Puhelin -

Ylin johto

Nimi Otsikko Vuodesta Saakka
David Gait Lead Portfolio Manager 2021 now
Elämäkerta David Gait is Head of the Stewart Investors Investment Team and a Portfolio Manager. He sits on the Stewart Investors Board. David joined the team as a graduate in 1997. He is Lead Manager of the Asia Pacific Leaders Sustainability and Asia Pacific Sustainability strategies, as well as Pacific Assets Trust. David holds an MA with honours in Economics from Cambridge University, and holds a Master of Science in Investment Analysis from Stirling University.
Sashi Reddy - 2021 now
Elämäkerta Sashi Reddy is a Portfolio Manager with the Sustainable Funds Group at Stewart Investors. He joined the team in August 2007. Sashi is lead manager of the Worldwide Leaders Sustainability strategy and the Indian Subcontinent Sustainability strategy. Previously, he worked at Irevna Research, an Indian equities research house from 2005 to 2007. Sashi has an engineering degree from the National Institute of Technology, Trichy and an MBA from the Schulich School of Business, York University in Toronto.
Mohan Gundu - 2017 2023
Nick Edgerton - 2016 2021
Elämäkerta Nick is responsible for generating investment ideas for the Stewart Investors Sustainable Funds group across all sectors in emerging and developed markets. He joined the team in April 2012 following two years in the First State Investments group. Nick previously worked as an analyst with the Sustainability funds at AMP Capital Investors, and has experience as a consultant, public servant, and academic in sustainability and economics. Nick holds a Bachelor of Economics from Macquarie University, and a Master of Science with Distinction in Ecological Economics from the University of Edinburgh.
David Gait Lead Portfolio Manager 2016 2018
Elämäkerta David Gait is Head of the Stewart Investors Investment Team and a Portfolio Manager. He sits on the Stewart Investors Board. David joined the team as a graduate in 1997. He is Lead Manager of the Asia Pacific Leaders Sustainability and Asia Pacific Sustainability strategies, as well as Pacific Assets Trust. David holds an MA with honours in Economics from Cambridge University, and holds a Master of Science in Investment Analysis from Stirling University.
Sashi Reddy - 2016 2018
Elämäkerta Sashi Reddy is a Portfolio Manager with the Sustainable Funds Group at Stewart Investors. He joined the team in August 2007. Sashi is lead manager of the Worldwide Leaders Sustainability strategy and the Indian Subcontinent Sustainability strategy. Previously, he worked at Irevna Research, an Indian equities research house from 2005 to 2007. Sashi has an engineering degree from the National Institute of Technology, Trichy and an MBA from the Schulich School of Business, York University in Toronto.
Jonathan Asante Head 2014 2016
Elämäkerta Jonathan Asante joined First State Investments’ Global Emerging Markets team as Senior Analyst in November 2004 and in January 2008 was appointed Head of Global Emerging Markets. His primary area of research is the entire emerging markets universe and he acts in the capacity of Co-Manager for a number of our portfolios. Jonathan joined from Framlington where he was Global Emerging Markets Fund Manager and Group Economist. Prior to joining Framlington in 1995, he was employed by NatWest Group where he was an Assistant Researcher, analysing the UK economy and UK credit markets. Previous to this Jonathan taught classes in economics and econometrics at the London School of Economics whilst doing postgraduate research. Jonathan graduated from the London School of Economics with BSc and MSc in Economics. He is an Associate member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals.
Stephen Deane Portfolio Manager 2014 2016
Elämäkerta Prior to Skerryvore, Stephen was a portfolio manager within the Janus Henderson Global Emerging Markets Equities team from 2016 to 2019. Stephen started his investment career in 2008 working as an investment analyst at First State Stewart (formerly First State Investments) before becoming co-manager on their global equity funds. He started his career with Accenture, where he worked on developing strategy for clients primarily in the technology, media and telecommunications industries. Stephen holds a BA(Hons) degree in psychology from Trinity College, Dublin and an executive MBA from INSEAD, Paris.
Habib Subjally Head 2006 2014
Elämäkerta Habib has served as Head of Global Equities and leader of this team since 2006. Prior to that, he held positions at Head of Global Equities with First State Investments, April 2006 to March 2014, Credit Suisse (Head of Small & Mid Cap Research), Invesco (Head of Global Equities), Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (Head of North American and Global Equities Research, and Manager, Mercury Global Titans Fund) and Ernst & Young. Habib holds a BSc (Hons) from the London School of Economics and the Chartered Accountant and ASIP designations.
David Leary Deputy Head 1999 2006
Elämäkerta David Leary joined First State Investments in March 1999 as Deputy Head of Global Equities. Promoted to head the team he now manages the global equity funds and is ultimately responsible for stock selection within these portfolios. David has 15 years' experience of international equity markets, beginning his career in 1986. David holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree in Economics and Social Studies from the University of Manchester.
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  • Rikastuta keskustelua
  • Keskity aiheeseen ja pysy asiassa. Postita ainoastaan sellaista aineistoa, joka on merkityksellistä keskusteltavan aiheen kannalta.
  • Kunnioita muita käyttäjiä. Myös kielteiset mielipiteet voidaan esittää myönteisellä ja diplomaattisella tavalla.
  • Käytä normaalia kirjoituskieltä. Käytä välimerkkejä sekä isoja ja pieniä kirjaimia. 
  • HUOMIO: roskaposti ja/tai myynninedistämiseen tarkoitetut viestit ja linkit poistetaan kommenteista.
  • Vältä herjaamista, kirosanoja ja kirjoittajiin tai muihin käyttäjiin kohdistuvia henkilökohtaisia hyökkäyksiä.
  • Ainoastaan suomenkieliset kommentit ovat sallittuja.

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