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Lvip Macquarie Diversified Income Fund Standard Class (0P00003E8R)

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  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut tilillesi käyttääksesi tätä toimintoa.
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Position lisääminen onnistui kohteeseen:

Nimeä holdings-salkkusi
9,245 -0,020    -0,25%
07/10 - Tieto myöhässä. Valuutta USD ( Vastuuvapauslauseke )
Tyyppi:  Rahasto
Markkinat:  Yhdysvallat
Liikkeeseenlaskija:  Delaware Funds by Macquarie
Omaisuusluokka:  Muu
  • Morningstar-luokitus:
  • Pääoma yhteensä: 343,25M
LVIP Delaware Diversified Income Fund Standard Cla 9,245 -0,020 -0,25%

0P00003E8R - yleiskatsaus

Tältä sivulta löytyy syväluotaava Lvip Macquarie Diversified Income Fund Standard Class-profiili. Saat lisätietoja 0P00003E8R-avainjohtajista, -kokonaisvaroista, -sijoitusstrategiasta ja -yhteystietoista.

Intermediate Core-Plus Bond

Pääoma yhteensä







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Ylin johto

Nimi Otsikko Vuodesta Saakka
Janaki Rao Head of Multisector 2024 now
Elämäkerta Janaki is Head of the US Multisector Team within Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) Credit, a role he assumed in May 2024. He has overall responsibility for MAM Credit’s US multisector capabilities, including the portfolios, the team, and client and business management. Prior to joining Macquarie, he was Director of US Multisector Fixed Income at AllianceBernstein from November 2019 to February 2023, responsible for managing multisector fixed income portfolios, including Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS) and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) portfolios. Before that, he was AllianceBernstein’s Head of Agency MBS from March 2013 to November 2019, and prior to that spent seven years at Morgan Stanley as Vice President of Agency MBS Research. Janaki received a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in economics from the University of Delhi, a Master of Business Administration with an emphasis in marketing from Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, and a Master of Business Administration with an emphasis in finance from the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College
Andrew Vonthethoff Portfolio Manager 2024 now
Elämäkerta Andrew is a Senior Portfolio Manager for the Global Fixed Income Team within Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) Credit. He is a lead portfolio manager for global multisector and global bond strategies, a role he assumed in June 2013, and for US multisector portfolios, which he assumed in May 2024. In this role, he is responsible for asset allocation, sector rotation, and security selection across MAM Credit’s global and US multisector portfolios. Andrew joined the firm in 2008 as a Quantitative Analyst on MAM Credit’s Markets and Quantitative Team, where he was involved in building and maintaining financial models. He transferred to the Global Fixed Income Team in 2010, becoming an Assistant Portfolio Manager. He earned a Bachelor of Commerce in actuarial studies and finance from the University of New South Wales. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Daniela M. Mardarovici Portfolio Manager 2019 2024
Elämäkerta Ms. Mardarovici joined Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) in March 2019 as Senior Vice President and co-head of the firm’s multisector and core plus strategies. Prior to joining the firm, she spent more than 13 years at BMO Global Asset Management as a senior portfolio manager. Since 2014, she was a member of the management committee of TCH, BMO’s US fixed income group, and helped lead business strategy and development efforts. Mardarovici was also responsible for driving investment strategy and managing institutional portfolios and mutual funds across a wide spectrum of strategies,
J. David Hillmeyer Senior Managing Director 2011 2024
Elämäkerta J. David Hillmeyer, CFA Senior Managing Director, Co-Head of US Multisector Fixed Income J. David Hillmeyer co-leads the firm's US Multisector Fixed Income team for Macquarie Asset Management Fixed Income (MFI) with responsibility for investment strategy and business development across the full suite of US multisector strategies. In addition, Hillmeyer has responsibility for our global credit strategies. Hillmeyer is also a member of MFI's Global Leadership Group which is responsible for the overall management of MFI including setting and executing on the team's strategic vision. Prior to joining Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) in August 2007 as a vice president and corporate bond trader, he worked for more than 11 years in various roles at Hartford Investment Management Company, including senior corporate bond trader, high yield portfolio manager / trader, and quantitative analyst. He began his career as an investment advisor in January 1989 at Shawmut Bank, leaving the firm as an investment officer in November 1995. Hillmeyer earned his bachelor's degree from Colorado State University, and he is a member of the CFA Society of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Council for Business Economics.
John P. McCarthy Co-Head 2016 2020
Elämäkerta John P. McCarthy is a senior portfolio manager for Delaware Management Company's high yield strategies, a role he assumed in July 2016. He is also co-head of credit research on the firm’s taxable fixed income team. McCarthy rejoined Delaware Investments in March 2007 as a senior research analyst after he worked in the firm’s fixed income area from 1990 to 2000 as a senior high yield analyst and high yield trader, and from 2001 to 2002 as a municipal bond trader. Prior to rejoining Delaware Investments, he was a senior high yield analyst/trader at Chartwell Investment Partners. McCarthy earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Babson College, and he is a member of the CFA Society of Philadelphia.
Adam H. Brown Senior Portfolio Manager 2015 2020
Elämäkerta Adam H. Brown, CFA , is a senior portfolio manager on the Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust. He manages the bank loan portfolios and is a co-portfolio manager for the high yield, fixed rate multisector, and core plus strategies. Brown joined Macquarie Investment Management (MIM), which includes the former Delaware Investments, in April 2011 as part of the firm’s integration of Macquarie Four Corners Capital Management, where he had worked since 2002. At Four Corners, he was a co-portfolio manager on four collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) and a senior research analyst supporting noninvestment grade portfolios. Before that, Brown was with the predecessor of Wells Fargo Securities, where he worked in the leveraged finance group arranging senior secured bank loans and high yield bond financings for financial sponsors and corporate issuers. He earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Florida and an MBA from the A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University.
Brian C. McDonnell - 2015 2020
Elämäkerta Senior Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager, Senior Structured Products Analyst Brian C. McDonnell is a member of the firm's taxable fixed income portfolio management team with primary responsibility for portfolio construction and strategic asset allocation. He also serves as lead analyst for residential mortgage-backed securities. He joined Macquarie Investment Management (MIM), which includes the former Delaware Investments, in March 2007 as a vice president and senior structured products analyst/trader, assuming portfolio management responsibilities in 2009. Prior to joining Delaware Investments, he was a managing director and head of fixed income trading at Sovereign Securities, where he was responsible for risk management and hedging of the firm’s holdings. Earlier in his career, he spent more than 10 years in various fixed income capacities with Prudential Securities in New York. McDonnell has a bachelor’s degree in finance from Boston College, and he is a member of the CFA Society of Philadelphia.
Roger A. Early Senior Portfolio Manager 2007 2020
Elämäkerta Roger A. Early, CPA, CFA, CFP Senior Vice President, Co-Chief Investment Officer – Total Return Fixed Income Strategy Roger A. Early rejoined Delaware Investments in March 2007 as a member of the firm’s taxable fixed income portfolio management team, with primary responsibility for portfolio construction and strategic asset allocation. During his previous time at the firm, from 1994 to 2001, he was a senior portfolio manager in the same area, and he left Delaware Investments as head of its U.S. investment grade fixed income group. In recent years, Early was a senior portfolio manager at Chartwell Investment Partners and Rittenhouse Financial and served as the chief investment officer for fixed income at Turner Investments. Prior to joining Delaware Investments in 1994, he worked for more than 10 years at Federated Investors where he managed more than $25 billion in mutual fund and institutional portfolios in the short-term and investment grade markets. He left the firm as head of institutional fixed income management. Earlier in his career, he held management positions with the Federal Reserve Bank, PNC Financial, Touche Ross, and Rockwell International. Early earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA with concentrations in finance and accounting from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a member of the CFA Society of Philadelphia.
Paul Grillo Assistant Vice President 2003 2019
Elämäkerta Paul Grillo, CFA, is a member of Delaware’s taxable fixed income portfolio management team with primary responsibility for portfolio construction and strategic asset allocation. He is also a member of the firm’s asset allocation committee, which is responsible for building and managing multi-asset class portfolios. He joined Delaware Investments in 1992 as a mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities analyst, assuming portfolio management responsibilities in the mid-1990s. Grillo serves as co-lead portfolio manager for the firm’s Diversified Income products and has been influential in the growth and distribution of the firm’s multisector strategies. Prior to joining Delaware Investments, Grillo served as a mortgage strategist and trader at Dreyfus Corporation. He also worked as a mortgage strategist and portfolio manager at Chemical Investment Group and as a financial analyst at Chemical Bank. Grillo holds a bachelor’s degree in business management from North Carolina State University and an MBA with a concentration in finance from Pace University. Effective June 1, 2019, Mr. Grillo has retired from DIFA.
Wen-Dar Chen Vice President 2007 2019
Elämäkerta Wen-Dar Chen, Ph.D. Vice President, Portfolio Manager – International Debt Wen-Dar Chen, Ph.D., is a member of the Delaware Investments’s taxable fixed income portfolio management team with primary responsibility for international portfolio construction and strategic asset allocation. He has specialized in quantitative fixed income investments since 1986. Before he joined Delaware Investments in mid-2004, he was a quantitative analyst in global asset-backed securities, credit strategies, and portfolio strategies at J.P. Morgan Securities. Since 1998, he has worked to promote the asset-backed securities business in Asia, and published the book, Asset-Backed Securitization – Theory and Practice, in Asia in 2002. He worked at Salomon Brothers from 1993 to 1996, and Lehman Brothers from 1990 to 1993, during which time he gained experience with government securities trading desks, proprietary trading of structured products, financial strategies, and index strategies groups. Dr. Chen’s degrees include a bachelor’s degree in atmospheric sciences from the National Taiwan University, a master’s degree in meteorology from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and a Ph.D. in geophysical fluid dynamics from Princeton University.
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