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Vanguard Growth And Income Fund Investor Shares (VQNPX)

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  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut tilillesi käyttääksesi tätä toimintoa.
  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut samalla käyttäjäprofiililla.








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Position lisääminen onnistui kohteeseen:

Nimeä holdings-salkkusi
65,01 +0,50    +0,78%
22/01 - Tieto myöhässä. Valuutta USD
Tyyppi:  Rahasto
Markkinat:  Yhdysvallat
Liikkeeseenlaskija:  Vanguard
Omaisuusluokka:  Osake
  • Morningstar-luokitus:
  • Pääoma yhteensä: 3,69B
Vanguard Growth & Income Inv 65,01 +0,50 +0,78%

VQNPX - yleiskatsaus

Tältä sivulta löytyy syväluotaava Vanguard Growth And Income Fund Investor Shares-profiili. Saat lisätietoja VQNPX-avainjohtajista, -kokonaisvaroista, -sijoitusstrategiasta ja -yhteystietoista.

Large Blend

Pääoma yhteensä







Osoite 100 Vanguard Boulevard
Malvern,PA 19355
United States
Puhelin +1 8776627447

Ylin johto

Nimi Otsikko Vuodesta Saakka
Mary L. Pryshlak Senior Managing Director 2023 now
Elämäkerta Mary L. Pryshlak, CFA, Senior Managing Director, Partner and Head of Investment Research of Wellington Management. Ms. Pryshlak is the head of Investment Research, an investment group comprised of Wellington Management's core fundamental investment research teams spanning equity; credit; macro; technical; sustainable; and environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). Ms. Pryshlak supervises a team of global industry analysts that manage the equity portion of the Global Atlantic Wellington Research Managed Risk Portfolio and has served in this capacity for the Portfolio since 2018. Ms. Pryshlak joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2004.
Kristin J. Ceglar Assistant Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Elämäkerta Kristin Ceglar, CFA, Portfolio Manager and Group Managing Director, joined Los Angeles Capital in 2005 and earned a B.A. from Harvard University. As a member of the Portfolio Management group, Kristin assists with all aspects of the portfolio management process including parameter testing, performance attribution, implementation, and monitoring client guidelines and security holdings. Previously, Kristin worked with LA Capital's Portfolio Operations group where she assisted in account reconciliation, trade affirmation, performance measurement and client report preparation.
Ruvim Breydo Managing Director 2022 now
Elämäkerta Ruvim Breydo, Managing Director and Co-Chief Investment Officer of DESIM. He has worked in investment management since 1995, has managed investment portfolios since 1997, and has co-managed a portion of the Fund since January 2022. Education: A.B., Harvard College.
Hal W. Reynolds CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2011 now
Elämäkerta Hal Reynolds is the Chief Investment Officer of LACM Global. As Chief Investment Officer and Chairman of Los Angeles Capital’s Investment Committee, Mr. Reynolds oversees the firm’s investment process. Since co-founding Los Angeles Capital in 2002, Mr. Reynolds has worked closely with the Research team to develop Investor Preference Theory®, the Dynamic Alpha Stock Selection Model®, and the Forward Attribution® process for developing forwarding looking expected factor returns. Working with the Research Directors, he develops the firm’s research goals and provides guidance on key projects to enhance the stock selection, portfolio construction, and trading processes. As a member of the Portfolio Review Committee, he works with senior members of the portfolio management team to establish key portfolio parameters for portfolio construction and rebalancing and developing procedures for monitoring and controlling portfolio risk. Prior to Los Angeles Capital, Mr. Reynolds was a managing director and principal at Wilshire Associates. Mr. Reynolds joined the consulting division of Wilshire Associates in 1989 where he served as a senior consultant to large ERISA plans. He also designed Wilshire Compass, Wilshire’s asset allocation and manager optimization technology for plan sponsors. In 1996, Mr. Reynolds began consulting for Wilshire Asset Management where he helped develop the Dynamic Alpha Model, which developed into Los Angeles Capital’s Dynamic Alpha Stock Selection Model®, and other quantitative long/short applications for Wilshire Asset Management. In 1998, he joined Wilshire Asset Management as Chief Investment Officer. Prior to joining Wilshire, Mr. Reynolds was a vice president at Mellon Bank where he was responsible for the design and management of Mellon’s portfolio analysis product for plan sponsors.
Cesar Orosco Portfolio Manager 2021 2023
Elämäkerta CFA, Ph.D., Senior Portfolio Manager at Vanguard. He has been with Vanguard since April 2020, has worked in investment management since 2004, has managed investment portfolios since 2004, and has co-managed a portion of the Fund since February 2021. Education: B.S., Universidad de Lima; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Philip Kearns Managing Director 2014 2022
Elämäkerta Philip Kearns, Ph.D., Managing Director of DESIM. He has worked in investment management since 1993, has managed investment portfolios since 1998, and has managed a portion of the Fund since 2014. Education: B.Ec., Australian National University; M.S. and Ph.D., University of Rochester.
Thomas D. Stevens Senior Portfolio Manager 2011 2022
Elämäkerta Mr. Stevens, CFA, is Chairman ,SPM and Principal, co-founded Los Angeles Capital since 2002. He is responsible for setting the firm’s strategic goals and is also an integral member of the firm’s Portfolio Management team. Prior to co-founding the firm, he was a senior managing director and principal at Wilshire Associates. He joined Wilshire in 1980. In 1986, he assumed responsibility for Wilshire Asset Managemen. Prior to joining Wilshire, he worked for the National Bank of Detroit as a portfolio manager and was primarily responsible for major pension fund client relationships.
Binbin Guo Principal 2016 2021
Elämäkerta Binbin Guo, Ph.D., Principal of Vanguard and head of the Alpha Equity Investment team within Vanguard’s Quantitative Equity Group. He oversees the active quantitative equity funds and separately managed equity accounts. He has been with Vanguard since 2007 and has co-managed a portion of the Fund since 2016. Education: B.S. and M.S., Tsinghua University, China; Ph.D. and M.Phil., Yale University.
James P. Stetler Portfolio Manager 2012 2021
Elämäkerta James P. Stetler, Principal of Vanguard. He has been with Vanguard since 1982, has worked in investment management since 1996, has managed investment portfolios since 2003, and has co-managed the Fund since 2012. Education: B.S., Susquehanna University; M.B.A., Saint Joseph’s University.
Michael R. Roach Portfolio Manager 2012 2017
Elämäkerta Michael R. Roach, CFA, Portfolio Manager. He has been with the Vanguard Group, Inc. since 1998; has worked in investment management since 2001. Education: B.S., Bloomsburg University; M.S., Drexel University.
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  • Rikastuta keskustelua
  • Keskity aiheeseen ja pysy asiassa. Postita ainoastaan sellaista aineistoa, joka on merkityksellistä keskusteltavan aiheen kannalta.
  • Kunnioita muita käyttäjiä. Myös kielteiset mielipiteet voidaan esittää myönteisellä ja diplomaattisella tavalla.
  • Käytä normaalia kirjoituskieltä. Käytä välimerkkejä sekä isoja ja pieniä kirjaimia. 
  • HUOMIO: roskaposti ja/tai myynninedistämiseen tarkoitetut viestit ja linkit poistetaan kommenteista.
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  • Ainoastaan suomenkieliset kommentit ovat sallittuja.

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