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Voya Global Bond Fund Class R6 (IGBZX)

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7,05 +0,02    +0,28%
24/01 - Tieto myöhässä. Valuutta USD
Tyyppi:  Rahasto
Markkinat:  Yhdysvallat
Liikkeeseenlaskija:  Voya
Omaisuusluokka:  Joukkovelkakirja
  • Morningstar-luokitus:
  • Pääoma yhteensä: 13,1M
Voya Global Bond R6 7,05 +0,02 +0,28%

IGBZX - yleiskatsaus

Tältä sivulta löytyy syväluotaava Voya Global Bond Fund Class R6-profiili. Saat lisätietoja IGBZX-avainjohtajista, -kokonaisvaroista, -sijoitusstrategiasta ja -yhteystietoista.

World Bond

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Osoite 7337 E. Doubletree Ranch Road
Scottsdale,AZ 85258
United States
Puhelin 1-800-366-0066

Ylin johto

Nimi Otsikko Vuodesta Saakka
Sean Banai MD, Head of Portfolio Management FI 2019 now
Elämäkerta Sean Banai is head of portfolio management for the fixed income platform at Voya Investment Management. Previously, Sean was a senior portfolio manager and before that head of quantitative research for proprietary fixed income. Prior to joining the firm in 1999, he was a partner in a private sector company. Sean received a BA and an MS in actuarial science from Georgia State University. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Brian Timberlake Portfolio Manager 2013 now
Elämäkerta Brian Timberlake is the head of fixed income research at Voya Investment Management and is responsible for managing the organization’s global fixed income research analysts as well as the coordination of macroeconomic data across the fixed income platform. Prior to this position, Mr. Timberlake was Head of Quantitative Research and before that, a Senior Quantitative Analyst. He joined Voya IM in 2003. His team is responsible for macro and quantitative fixed income research and provides additional assistance to individual sector groups and the risk management team. In addition, Brian is a named portfolio manager on several global and opportunistic fixed income products. Previously, he was the head of quantitative research where he helped develop an integrated, automated tool for interest rate hedging, created multifactor risk models, and was integral to the design and monitoring of customized client portfolios. Prior to that he was a senior quantitative analyst at Voya. Brian received a BS in chemical engineering from the University of Maryland, an MS in quantitative and computational finance from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a PhD in chemical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Mustafa Chowdhury Portfolio Manager 2015 2019
Elämäkerta Mustafa Chowdhury is head of rates for Voya Investment Management, responsible for directing the investment strategy for the rates group, including global rates, sectors and currencies, and equity/convexity hedging. Mustafa brings 20 years of experience working in the fixed income industry, equally divided between the buy side and sell side, and a deep expertise in mortgage-backed securities and G7 interest rates. Prior to joining the firm, Mustafa was a portfolio manager at AVM, where he served as a strategist working across fixed income assets, with a specialization in rates and mortgages. He began his investment career with Freddie Mac, where he was co-head of asset liability management and managed all hedging of the interest rate risk of the balance sheet. He also served as the head of the U.S. rates and agency MBS strategy at Deutsche Bank. Before Deutsche Bank, Mustafa worked for the Blue Crest hedge fund, focused on macro strategy, G3 rates and MBS. Mustafa holds a PhD in economics from the University of California, San Diego.
Christine Hurtsellers Chief Information Officer (CIO) 2011 2017
Elämäkerta Christine Hurtsellers, CFA Chief Executive Officer, Voya Investment Management Christine Hurtsellers is the chief executive officer of Voya Investment Management, the asset management subsidiary of Voya Financial. Christine is responsible for overseeing all aspects of Voya’s asset management business including institutional, retail funds, retirement and proprietary portfolio segments. Based in New York, Voya Investment Management has additional domestic investment operations in Atlanta, Georgia, Scottsdale, Arizona, and Windsor, Connecticut and global operations in London, Hong Kong and Sydney. Prior to becoming CEO, Christine was chief investment officer of fixed income at Voya Investment Management, responsible for leading a team of more than 100 fixed income investment professionals. Before being appointed CIO, she had been head of our structured finance team. Prior to joining the firm, Christine served in a variety of roles at the Federal Home Mortgage Corporation, including leading the $650 billion agency guaranteed retained portfolio team and managing such products as mortgage derivatives, adjustable rate mortgages and collateralized mortgage obligations. Earlier in her career, Christine was a portfolio manager responsible for mortgages and structured products at Alliance Capital Management and Banc One, and a client consultant at Pentalpha Capital group. She is a board member of Pomona Capital and a member of the U.S. Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee. Christine is also on the board of councilors for the Carter Center and the Southeast Regional Board of UNICEF USA. Christine received a BA in finance with high honors from Indiana University Kelley School of Business and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Michael A. Mata Vice President & portfolio manager 2009 2013
Elämäkerta Michael Mata serves as senior vice president and the head of Multi-Sector Fixed Income at OppenheimerFunds. Prior to joining OppenheimerFunds in 2014, Michael previously served as Managing Director - Head of Multi-Sector Fixed Income as well as portfolio manager of the Global Bond and Core Plus strategies for Voya (formerly “ING Investment Management”). Prior to that, he worked at Putnam Investments in Boston, MA as Senior Risk Manager and also at Lehman Brothers, where he was the Risk Manager for Fixed Income Trading. Mr. Mata has an MBA from DePaul University with a concentration in Finance and Accounting. He also holds a B.A. from Florida International University where he majored in Finance.
Robert Robis Vice President, global economist 2011 2013
Elämäkerta Robert Robis, CFA, Portfolio Manager, is head of fixed-income macro strategies for ING IM. In this role, Mr. Robis is responsible for contributing to strategy-setting across global rates, sectors, and currencies. Prior to joining ING IM in 2011, Mr. Robis was the senior fixed-income portfolio manager and global macro strategist at Oppenheimer Funds Inc. from 2005 to 2010. He began his career in 1995 with The Bank Credit Analyst Research Group.
Christopher H. Diaz Portfolio Manager 2009 2011
Elämäkerta Chris Diaz is a partner and portfolio manager in the global sustainable fixed income team. Prior to joining Brown Advisory in January 2021, Chris was Co-Head of Global Bonds at Janus Henderson Investors, where he managed a team of portfolio managers and analysts across three continents. He was the Lead Manager of the Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund and all related portfolios as well as the Janus Henderson Horizon Total Return Bond Fund. Chris was responsible for developing the global investment process and setting currency, interest rate and asset allocation policy for Janus Henderson global multi-sector portfolios. Prior to joining Janus Capital in 2011, Chris was the Head of Global Rates at ING Investment Management where he was responsible for global macro strategies and oversaw the interest rate, currency and derivative trading desk. He was the Co-Portfolio Manager of the ING Global Bond Fund and all related portfolios. He began his career at SunTrust Equitable Securities in 1997, where he served as a fixed income portfolio analyst. Chris received his Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from the University of South Carolina and earned an MBA with a concentration in finance from Emory University, Goizueta Business School.
James B. Kauffmann Portfolio Manager 2006 2009
Elämäkerta Kauffmann joined ING IM in 1996 and has over 19 years of investment experience. He has managed the fixed-income portion of the portfolio since March 2002 and he heads ING IM’s fixed-income investment team. Prior to joining ING IM, Kauffmann spent four years at Alfa Investments Inc., where he was the senior fixed-income portfolio manager. Additionally, Kauffmann has worked as an analyst.
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