Yritä tehdä uusi haku
Nimi | Otsikko | Vuodesta | Saakka |
Hai Jing Zhang | - | 2019 | now |
Elämäkerta | Master of Economics. She served as the Manager of the Sales and Trading Department of Beijing Gaohua Securities Co., Ltd. and the Investment Manager of the Financial Market Department of Agricultural Bank of China Limited. She joined China Asset Management Co., Ltd. in February 2016, and served as the Investment Manager Assistant and the Investment Manager of Bond Investment Department. | ||
Mingyu Liu | - | 2018 | 2020 |
Elämäkerta | Master of economics. Joined China Asset Management Co., Ltd. in June 2009 and served as a researcher, investment manager assistant, and investment manager in the Institutional Bond Investment Department, the fund manager of Huaxia Dingshi Bond-type Securities Investment Fund (from December 19, 2017 to March 14, 2018), the fund manager of Huaxia Dingsheng Bond-type Securities Investment Fund (from December 19, 2017 to January 7, 2019), the fund manager of Huaxia Wending Shuangli Bond-type Securities Investment Fund (from December 17, 2018 to March 24, 2020), the fund manager of Huaxia Dingxiang Three-Month Regularly Open-Ended Bond-Type Initiated Securities Investment Fund (from December 11, 2017 to June 23, 2020), etc. | ||
Ying Mao | - | 2013 | 2019 |
Elämäkerta | N.A | ||
Guang Yun Li | - | 2009 | 2013 |
Elämäkerta | N/A | ||
Guo Qiang Zhang | - | 2006 | 2009 |
Elämäkerta | 曾任中信证券股份有限公司研究咨询部分析师、债券销售交易部经理、产品设计主管、总监;中信基金管理有限责任公司投资管理部总监、基金经理。2009年加入招商基金管理有限公司,现任固定收益投资部总监、招商信用添利债券型证券投资基金及招商安达保本混合型证券投资基金基金经理。 |
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