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Bny Mellon Worldwide Growth Fund Class A (PGROX)

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  • Varmista, että olet kirjautunut tilillesi käyttääksesi tätä toimintoa.
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Position lisääminen onnistui kohteeseen:

Nimeä holdings-salkkusi
73,85 +0,28    +0,38%
01/07 - Tieto myöhässä. Valuutta USD ( Vastuuvapaus )
Tyyppi:  Rahasto
Markkinat:  Yhdysvallat
Liikkeeseenlaskija:  Dreyfus
Omaisuusluokka:  Osake
  • Morningstar-luokitus:
  • Pääoma yhteensä: 643,38M
Dreyfus Worldwide Growth A 73,85 +0,28 +0,38%

PGROX - yleiskatsaus

Tältä sivulta löytyy syväluotaava Bny Mellon Worldwide Growth Fund Class A-profiili. Saat lisätietoja PGROX-avainjohtajista, -kokonaisvaroista, -sijoitusstrategiasta ja -yhteystietoista.

World Large-Stock Growth

Pääoma yhteensä







Osoite 240 Greenwich Street
New York,NY 10286
United States
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Ylin johto

Nimi Otsikko Vuodesta Saakka
Alan R. Christensen Director 2020 now
Elämäkerta Alan R. Christensen is the President and Head of Investment Risk at Fayez Sarofim & Co. Mr. Christensen oversees the Firm’s marketing, client service, operations and technology initiatives and is a member of the Investment Committee. He is also a portfolio manager for a variety of institutional and high net worth clients. Mr. Christensen joined the Firm in 2005 as an Associate. Mr. Christensen received a M.B.A. with Distinction from Cornell University in 2005, where he was a Park Fellow and a B.A. in Economics and History from Washington & Lee University in 1995, where he graduated cum laude. Prior to joining Fayez Sarofim & Co., he was employed with Alvarez & Marsal as a Director and Accenture as a Senior Manager in Capital Markets.
W. Gentry Lee Financial Analyst 2010 now
Elämäkerta William ("Gentry”) Lee, Jr. is the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Fayez Sarofim & Co., a Director of The Sarofim Group and a member of Fayez Sarofim & Co.’s Executive and Investment Committees. In addition to overseeing the Firm’s investment, client service and business operations, he is a co-manager of the mutual funds that Fayez Sarofim & Co. manages for BNY Mellon. He is also a portfolio manager for a variety of institutional and high net worth clients. Mr. Lee joined the Firm in 1998 as an Associate. Over the years, areas of research responsibility have included beverages, technology and transportation. Mr. Lee received a M.B.A. with High Distinction from Harvard Business School in 1998, where he was a Baker Scholar, and a B.A. with High Honors in Economics from Vanderbilt University in 1994, where he graduated summa cum laude. He was also elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Prior to attending business school and joining Fayez Sarofim & Co., he was employed as a Financial Analyst with Enron Capital & Trade Resources. Mr. Lee serves on the board of directors of Wood Partners and St. John’s School. Previously, he was a board member of the Carruth Foundation and Memorial Park Conservancy and Co-President of the Houston Vanderbilt University Alumni Chapter.
Catherine P. Crain Portfolio Manager, lead Relationship Manager 2000 now
Elämäkerta Catherine P. Crain is a Vice President at Fayez Sarofim & Co. and a co-manager of the mutual funds that Fayez Sarofim & Co. manages for BNY Mellon. She is also a portfolio manager for a variety of institutional and high net worth clients. Ms. Crain joined the Firm in 1993 as an Associate. Over the years, areas of research responsibility have included transportation, media and entertainment, and consumer products. Ms. Crain received a M.B.A. from the University of Texas in 1993 and a B.A. with Highest Honors in the Plan II Liberal Arts Honors Program at the University of Texas at Austin in 1989, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Prior to joining Fayez Sarofim & Co., she was employed at Merrill Lynch & Co. as a Financial Analyst in the Investment Banking Division in New York and Houston. Ms. Crain is a life member of the University of Texas McCombs School of Business Advisory Council. She also serves as a member of The Joy School Board of Trustees.
Charles E. Sheedy Senior Vice President 2000 now
Elämäkerta Charles E. Sheedy is a Senior Vice President at Fayez Sarofim & Co. and a member of the Firm’s Investment Committee. He is co-manager of the mutual funds that Fayez Sarofim & Co. manages for BNY Mellon and serves on the board of Sarofim Trust Co. Additionally, he is a portfolio manager for a variety of institutional and high net worth clients. Mr. Sheedy joined the Firm 1971 as an Associate. Over the years, areas of responsibility have included retail, electrical equipment, consumer staples, basic industries and health care. Mr. Sheedy received a M.B.A. from Harvard Business School in 1971 and graduated cum laude from the University of Notre Dame in 1969. Mr. Sheedy is a member of the Notre Dame Arts & Letters Advisory Counsel.
Christopher B. Sarofim Chairman 1997 now
Elämäkerta Christopher B. Sarofim is Vice Chairman of Fayez Sarofim & Co., President of Sarofim International Management Company and a Director of The Sarofim Group. He is a member of Fayez Sarofim & Co.’s Executive, Investment and Finance Committees, a co-manager of the mutual funds that Fayez Sarofim & Co. manages for BNY Mellon and a portfolio manager for a variety of institutional and high net worth clients. Mr. Sarofim joined the Firm in 1988 as an Associate. Mr. Sarofim received an A.B. in History from Princeton University in 1986. Prior to joining Fayez Sarofim & Co., he worked in corporate finance at Goldman, Sachs & Co. Mr. Sarofim is a member of the Board of Trustees for The Brown Foundation, Inc. He also serves on the boards of Kemper Corp. and Wood Partners and is on the Advisory Committee of the MD Anderson Cancer Center Board of Visitors.
Fayez Sarofim Chairman & Co-Chief Investment Officer 1993 2022
Elämäkerta Fayez Sarofim, Chairman of the Board and Co-Chief Investment Officer of the investment counseling firm that bears his name, oversees one of the largest and oldest privately-owned investment counseling firms in the United States. Born in Egypt, Mr. Sarofim has a bachelor’s degree in Food Technology from the University of California and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Harvard Business School. He established Fayez Sarofim & Co. in 1958. Five years later, he was managing a corporate retirement fund for Brown & Root and the endowment of William Marsh Rice University, then valued at $63 million. Mr. Sarofim is a member of the New York Society of Security Analysts and the Houston Society of Financial Analysts and is a Chartered Investment Counselor. He serves on the Board of Kinder Morgan, Inc. and on the Board of Overseers of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. He is past director of the Alley Theatre, the Houston Ballet Foundation, and the Museum of Fine Arts of Houston, and past president and past Vice Chairman of the Board of the Houston Symphony Society. Additionally, Mr. Sarofim is a former member of The Rockefeller University Council. The Texas Business Hall of Fame honored Fayez Sarofim for his long-term commitment to sound business principles and his pioneering leadership in the field of investment management, as well as his generosity to the community, particularly in the areas of health care and the arts.
Jeffrey M. Jacobe Senior Vice President 2010 2015
Elämäkerta Mr. Jacobe is the Director of Investments and a Senior Vice President at Sarofim & Co., where he has been employed since 2000, and is responsible for organizing and overseeing investment research efforts. He has been a portfolio manager of the fund since November 2010.
Russell Hawkins Senior Vice President 1993 1997
Elämäkerta Hawkins is a senior vice president with Fayez Sarofim & Company, his employer since July 1979. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a member of the Houston Society of Financial Analysts.
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